Color Coding

Agricultural Tailgate Safety Training


To understand and develop a color coding system for farm and workplace hazards.

Trainer's Note:

A consistent color system, denoting color-hazard relationship alerts employees to safety hazards. Knowing the system increases employee safety. Tour the operation, pointing out the different examples of color coding used and the hazards identified. ALL EMPLOYEES should be familiar with the color coding system. Reassigned workers should learn the color codes in their new area.


Below is the recommended guide for a color coding system. Post a copy of the color coding system in an easy to find spot for quick reference. Use clearly printed labels with colors. Signs, tags and tickets should follow the same basic colors.

The Standard Color-Code System:
  • RED - Denotes fire safety equipment and safety containers for flammables. Identifies emergency devices (emergency shut-off switches, stop bar, buttons).
  • ORANGE - Be aware of machinery or equipment that can cut, crush, shock or cause other injury
  • YELLOW - Cautions against physical dangers (slipping, tripping, falling, caught-between and striking-against hazards).
  • GREEN - Locates first-aid equipment.
  • BLUE - Cautions against the use or movement of equipment being repaired or the starting of equipment.
  • MAGENTA AND YELLOW or BLACK AND YELLOW - Warns of radiation hazards.
  • BLACK, WHITE OR A COMBINATION - Controls and designates traffic movement, marks aisle, housekeeping areas and similar areas.
Review The Following Points
  • All employees should be familiar with the color coding plan used on the farm or in the workplace.
  • Post a copy of the color coding system where all employees can see it.
  • It is important to follow a color coding system to identify hazards.
Color Coding Quiz

True or False

1. Using a color coding system can identify hazards.
2. It is important for employees to become familiar with the color coding system used on the operation.
3. A color coding system can only follow set guidelines.
4. Lines that carry water, steam, electricity, high pressure, air, gases, and chemicals are the type of lines that need to be color coded.
5. Clearly printed labels should be used with the color coding program.

Answer Key
1. T, 2. T, 3. F, 4. T, 5. T

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