Introduction to Agricultural Safety

Agricultural Tailgate Safety Training


To know that safety training is important and that it can reduce accidents.

Trainer's Note:

This module is basic introductory information about what makes safety training important, and it also provides a few general safety tips.


In work-related fatality rates among U.S. industries, agriculture ranks first. It is one of the most hazardous occupations in the United States. A majority of agricultural accidents involve some type of machinery or equipment.

Accidents cost time, money, and involve intangible losses. Time will be lost while you are recovering, medical and rehabilitation bills will begin to add up, and, worst of all, you might not be able to function as you did before the accident. Safety is too expensive not to be taken seriously. Accident costs reduce the profit margin of your operation and, in the worst cases, accidents cost people their lives.

Safety is everyone's responsibility. It is up to everyone associated with the agricultural industry to use safe working practices. All family members and employees can contribute to each others' safety. Remember, operators of machinery aren't the only ones who get hurt in agricultural accidents.

General Tips for a Safe Working Environment:

  • For an effective farm or ranch safety program, first perform a safety status assessment.
  • Make safety everyone's concern including family, employees, visitors, and yourself.
  • Be aware of what you are doing and your surroundings. The highest percentage of injuries happen during routine, 'every day' chores.
  • Ask for help if a task might be more than you can handle alone.
  • Take short rest breaks, so you don't overexert yourself.
  • Eat a well balanced diet and get plenty of sleep.
  • Stay away from equipment if you are angry. Wait a little while until you cool down.
  • Train new equipment operators before letting them work on their own.
  • Read the operator's manuals for all equipment.
  • Wear the proper personal protective equipment (PPE) for 'every day' chores and for specific jobs. Protective footwear, that also provides ankle support, and close fitting clothing are important for 'every day' work. (Specific job related PPE is discussed in the following modules).
Review the Following Points
  • Agriculture is the leading industry for work related accidents.
  • Safety is everyone's responsibility.
  • Safety is too expensive to learn by accident. Accidents have many related costs.
  • The working environment can be made safer by following a few simple safety measures.
Introduction To Agricultural Safety Quiz

True or False

1. Only machinery operators need to worry about safety.
2. Agriculture is the number one industry in the U.S. in work related fatality rates.
3. The first step in an effective farm or ranch safety program is to perform a safety status assessment.
4. Accident costs reduce the profit margin of your operation.
5. Wearing the proper personal protective equipment is not important unless you are working with pesticides.

Answer Key
1. F, 2. T, 3. T, 4. T, 5. F

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