On July 1, 1991, with the enactment of Senate Bill 198, every
employer in California (including agricultural employers)
must establish, implement and maintain an effective Injury
and Illness Prevention Program (IIPP). The IIPP shall be in
writing and requires the employer to implement the following
eight charges:
- Identify
the person(s) with the authority and responsibility for
implementing the program
- Include
a system for ensuring that employees comply with safe and
healthy work practices
- Include
a safety communication system with employees
- Conduct
periodic inspections to identify and evaluate workplace
- Establish
a procedure for investigating workplace accidents and hazardous
substance exposures
- Correct
unsafe or unhealthy work conditions in a timely manner
- Conduct
a program of safety and health training and instruction
- Establish
a procedure for record keeping and documentation
The authority for the IIPP is in Title 8, Section 3203, of the
California Code of Regulations (CCR). Prior to July 1, 1991,
this section of the code required every employer to have an
Accident Prevention Program that included employee training
and a provision for conducting scheduled periodic inspections
to identify and correct any unsafe conditions and work practices
that may be found.
The legislative intent of SB 198 in 1989 was to expand the requirements
of GISO 3203 and make employers more accountable for the development
and implementation of an injury and illness prevention program.
Every employer must now develop and implement a written program,
identify a designated safety administrator, and involve the
employees in the safety program.
Many organizations have developed sample or model IIPPs for
employers to follow. Employers should first check with their
workers compensation insurance company for assistance. Help
is also available from the Cal/OSHA Consultation Service. Following
is a list of three programs currently available:
Workplace Injury & Illness Prevention Model Program for
employers with intermittent workers. In English and Spanish,
Cal/OSHA Consultation Service.
Injury and Illness Prevention Program: A Resource Guide for
California Agriculture. University of California Cooperative
Extension. Prepared by James M. Meyers, et al., 40 pages, includes
checklists. Can be obtained from the UC Farm Safety Program,
UC Davis or AgSafe.
Worksite Injury Prevention Workbook. Includes sample
program, work rules, inspection checklist and pesticide first
aid procedures. Contract the Farm Employers Labor Service.
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NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in
NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder.