ChE shows pesticide exposures.
- ChE looks at exposure over time.
- The test is widely available.
- A blood sample all that is needed.
You need a baseline test.
- You need good lab methods.
- The sample must be handled right.
- It matters when the sample is taken.
- The test must be interpreted by a MD.
To understand the basics of ChE and pesticides that inhibit the action of ChE
Is present in tiny animals and big.
- Is a very fast enzyme (chemical).
- Is found everywhere in the human body.
- Plays a critical role.
An An “enzyme enzyme” (special kind (special kind of chemical) with a special of chemical) with a special active part. (see the red active part. (see the red spot?)
It is produced in tissues and blood.
- It is present in all the nerves in your body, at the
- It turns off a key chemical that is found in the space where one nerve connects with another.
Autonomic Nervous System
- Parasympathetic
- Presynaptic Sympathetic

Is found at the synapse.
2. It turns off the chemical messenger.
3. When affected by pesticide, it decreases.
4. Then, the chemical messenger builds.
5. Overstimulation results.
Plasma ChE (PChE)
- Floats freely in plasma
- Made by the liver.
- Bound to red blood cells
- Made when red blood cells are made.
Is sensitive to most inhibitor pesticides.
- Recovers rapidly after pesticide
exposure (is made fresh again).
- May be affected by liver disease.
Is slower to be affected by Che inhibitor pesticides.
- Is slower to recover after pesticide
- May be affected by low red blood cell
count (anemia).
Some medicines are like tiny pesticides. They inhibit ChE. Then, the nerves are more
- These medicines are used to treat:
- Alzheimer's Disease
- avis Myasthenia
- Glaucoma
- And to prevent damage from Nerve Gas Attacks
- Inhibit irreversibly.
- ChE must be replaced by the body.
- Carbamates
- Inhibit temporarily.
- Reversal is rapid and related to exposure.
- ChE soon reactivates and is ready to go.
Mild cases: tiredness, weakness, dizziness, nausea and blurred vision
Moderate cases: headache, sweating, tearing, drooling, vomiting, tunnel vision, and twitching
Severe cases: abdominal cramps, urinating, diarrhea, muscular tremors, staggering gait, pinpoint pupils, hypotension (abnormally low blood pressure), slow heartbeat, breathing difficulty, and possibly death
Class I and II Carbamates & Organophosphates DANGER or WARNING ON THE LABEL
Threshold: 50 hrs in 30 days
Normal Range of ChE activity
Relatively Stable in the Population
- Large difference: upper and lower limits
Obtain before exposure.
- 30 days since last handling
- Maintain records for future comparison.
- If it is abnormally low,
- Recheck, average or discard.
- More tests are better than less
- What does "regression to the mean"
- Retest with the same laboratory, same methods
- Retesting every 30 days
When to do follow-up?
- Rules state within 3 days of reaching threshold
- Why are you testing?
- To evaluate work exposure
- To prevent future exposure
- Decrease frequency with experience
20% Depression- Evaluate
- 30% AChE- Remove and Evaluate
- 40% PChE- Remove and Evaluate
- If removed,
- when AChE and PChE return to 20% or
less depressed, return to handling
What else can they do?
- Thinning? Probably not in sprayed orchards*
- Know the operation
- General work
*Engel and Keifer 1998, Keifer, Miller, Fenske 1995
Schnieder et al 1991)
Return to regular duty
- When both PChE
- and and AChE get to 20%
or less depressed.
- File a Claim?
Karl F. Weyrauch MD MPH
Family Physician
Research Consultant UW PNASH
Member, Western Institutional Review Board
- Both! But mostly a process
(Belmont Report 1979)
- Process is informed by pt's legal
rights and MD's ethical duties
- Information exchange
- Comprehension Comprehension
- Voluntary choice
- Different
- Intent- care decision vs. conflict of interest
- Forms- information dictates short/ “basic ” vs. long/comprehensive
appropriate information
- understandable language
Both federal and state law apply
- Research Research- 21 CFR Food and Drugs, 45 CFR Public Welfare
- Treatment- RCW 7.70.050 proof
of breach of duty, RCW 7.70.060
contents of consent form
- Understandable language
- Nature and character of the
- Anticipated results
- Alternative treatments
- Risks and benefits
- Reasonable patient standard - What would the average patient need to know to be an informed need to know to be an informed participant ?
- To do - Provide the best care and respect the patient as a person.
- Vulnerability to coercion= limited autonomy
- By employee status
- By minority status, language,
Thus, special considerations apply
- Pesticide Handlers Need
- appropriate information
- understandable language
- alternatives, risks and benefits
- not to be pressured to
Delivers care effectively across cultures
- Identifies unique needs of individuals
- Matches services to these needs
- Determines practice by culturally preferred choices
- Beliefs- “believe”
- Attitudes- “feel”
- Knowledge- “know”
- Language- “speak”
- Traditions- “practice”
- Diversity increasing- 40% nonwhite by 2030 in US population
- Disparities for minorities in health care- increased poverty, cancer, obesity, diabetes; decreased preventive care, immunizations, mental health care
- Outcomes are improved- HgbA1c, patient satisfaction
- Law mandates non-discrimination: legislation, regulation, accreditation
- Malpractice risk-decreased with improved communication
appropriate information
- understandable language
- alternatives, risks and benefits
- be pressured to participate not
- a manner that is culturally competent
1. Focus groups to study issues of cultural competence 2. Test-Retest to evaluate product
Confidential, in Spanish, with
simultaneous English translation and and
- Iterative process - "Plan, Do, Study, Act",
each iteration is different
- Test-Retest Ongoing
- Beliefs- law is on their side, employer should care for employees
- Attitude- worry about getting sick from pesticides, fear blood and needles, mistrust unexplained changes, afraid to take time off work to get tested
- Knowledge- very little known about blood tests, ChE test, but know that pesticides are toxic, safety gear is important, employers sometimes scrimp on safety
- Language- English is a barrier to care, many handlers can’t read, recorded information and consent is better
- Tradition- important role of wives and social institutions for decision and making and dissemination of information
Requires "Declination Statement" only after receiving training about pesticides and
discussing risks and benefits
with MD or LHCP (WAC 296-307-14820)
5th grade reading level
- Incorporates culturally
appropriate knowledge
- Addresses specific attitudes
- Will be available on audiotape
Culturally-appropriate format
- Incorporates culturally appropriate beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, language
- Will be available on audiotape
- Circulated to wives, community
No job, benefit, seniority loss for
- Testing done on company time
- Information spread to community by radio, church-centered events, strategic information postings e.g. Laundromat
- Pt. reviews Novella, audiotape
- Short Q&A discussion in Spanish
- Pt. signs consent or declination
- Discussion Leader/ Impartial Witness co-signs the form
- Cc: chart and patient. Declination sent to employer
Building Informed Consent For Pesticide Handlers in Washington State Is A Process That Includes:
Legal, ethical, cultural components
- Participation by health care team, handler, employer, community
- Specific tools you can use in Spanish
- Please See a Copy of the Consent Form!
Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in
NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in
NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder.