A message for parents and teachers...
Farm work and farm life can be very dangerous. Close to 300 children are killed on farms nationwide each year, and as many as 23,500 are injured. Children who live on farms or spend time in the fields with their parents are exposed to many hazards that can cause injury or death. These include machinery (such as tractors), chemicals, animals, electrical power sources, and irrigation ponds. Because these hazards are part of normal farm life, they may not even be seen as dangerous. You can help prevent these injuries by teaching children what to look for and how to avoid hazards.
WELCOME TO THE FARM is a coloring book designed to help children learn about farm hazards. You can maximize its usefulness in the following ways:
For Classroom Use:
BlENVENIDOS AL RANCHO / WELCOME TO THE FARM is designed to assist in teaching young children about farm hazards. The coloring book can be an engaging way for children to learn safety concepts. Its objective is for children to recognize and name hazards on the farm.
The coloring book can be used in your classroom any number of ways. You can review the safety concepts with your students and then encourage them to color. When they have completed coloring, ask questions about the hazards to reinforce the ideas. One-on-one work with children during unstructured time is another method. Display students’ colored pages in your classroom and conduct follow-up activities to serve as review.
[The entire coloring book can be accessed through the PDF link above.]
Un mensaje para padres y maestros...
La vida y el trabajo en el rancho pueden ser muy peligcosos. Cada año casi 300 niños/niñas son matados en los ranchos y 23,500 son lastimados. niños/niñas quienes viven en los ranchos o pasan tiempo en los ranchos con sus padres son expuestos a varios peligros que pueden causar lastlmaduras o muerte. Ésto incluye maquinaria como tractores, químicos, ani males, la comente eléctrica, y estancamientos de aguas. Porque estos peligros son parte del ambiente normal en los ranchos, no se consideran peligrosos. Usted puede ayudar a prevenir estas lastimaduras enseñandole a los niños/niñas como reconocer y como evitar estos peligros.
BIENVENIDOS AL RANCHO es un libro para colorear, hecho para ayudar a niños/niñas aprender sobre los peligros en el rancho. Usted puede utilizarlo a su máximo haciendo 10 siguiente:
Para el uso en el salón, yea la sección en inglés.
Bienvenidos AI Rancho WELCOME TO THE FARM |
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-Los tractores no son juguetes. Las máquinas parecen ser divertidas, ¡pero pueden ser muy peligrosas! |
-Tractors are not toys. Machines look fun, but they can be dangerous. |
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¡Las sustancias químicas nunea se deben de tocar! |
Never touch chemicals! |
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-Bombas de agua son peligrosas por los cables eléctricos. Te puedes lastimar o morir si juegas allí. |
-Water pumps are dangerous because of electricity. You can get hurt or die if you play there. |
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-¿Podemos jugar allí? -No, porque es agua de riego y en el rancho nunca se debe jugar con el agua. |
-Can we play over there? -No, that's an irrigation pond. We never play close to any water on the farm. |
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Las cercas quieren decir, "¡No Entre!" |
Fences mean "Stay Out!" |
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Es peligroso trepar alIí, ¡Y hueJe muy mal! |
It's dangerous to climb, and it smells bad, too! |
The NURSE Project is conducted by the California Public Health Foundation (CPHF) and the California Occupational Health Program (COHP). Sponsored by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Hea~h (NIOSH), Cooperative Agreement ftU04ICCU906057-02.
EI Programa NURSE se lIeva a cabo por la Fundación de Salud Pública de California (CPHF) y el Programa de Salud Ocupacional de California (GOHP). Auspiciado por ellnstilulo Nacional para la Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional (NIOSH), Acuerdo Cooperativo #U04! CCU906057-D2.
Advertising Agency/Agencia de Publicidad: Via Marketing, Salinas, California
Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder. More