AgDARE - Agricultural Disability Awareness and Risk Education

  • Kidd, Pamela;
  • Reed, Deborah

Farmer's Lung - Lesson Plan

Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Background: Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is an inflammation of the lungs caused by a foreign substance such as dust, gases, or molds. Symptoms may be resolved if allergen exposure is avoided, but can require occupational changes. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is often referred to as Farmer's Lung due to the association of the disease with agricultural occupations.

Objectives: For the student to recognize the prevalence of Farmer's Lung in agricultural occupations and be able to complete the following tasks:

  • Name farm tasks that are associated with high-risk exposure to disease-causing agents.
  • Exhibit a general knowledge of the causes and health risks of Farmer's Lung.
  • Analyze the long-term effects of the disease, associated health problems, and lifestyle changes.
  • List adequate preventive measures, including personal protective equipment.

Situation Development: Things to be brought out by the teacher in discussion to generate interest and introduce the lesson: (See fact sheet.)

  • Do any of you know what Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis is? A more common name you might recognize is Farmer's Lung.
  • Just given the name, what do you think Farmer's Lung is?
  • What could be some effects of having a lung problem for a farmer?
Problem Statement: Identify the lesson topic and what the students will be answering in their activities.
  • What is Farmer's Lung, and how might we prevent it in agricultural occupations?

Analysis: Things to consider in analyzing the topic and reaching the conclusion:

  • common causes of the disease and incidents in which lung damage occurs
  • effects of Farmer's Lung on lifestyle, economic situation, community and the future
  • prevention of farm-related incidents that result in Farmer's Lung

Directed Study: Listed below are activities that will present the concepts of Farmer's Lung. Choose the activities which best fit your time restraints, student abilities, and resource availability. Student reference sheets are enclosed which provide information about Farmer's Lung. Duplicate these and use as a reference when conducting the activities.

  • Narrative Simulation
  • Physical Simulation
  • Supplemental Activities:
    Case Report
    Guest Speaker
    Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
    Mask Comparison
    Study Sheet

Group Conclusion: After completing the activities, the teacher will lead in discussion of the topic with the class, approaching the points outlined in the analysis. The students should provide information and knowledge as gained from the activities and reference materials.

KERA Goals
Goal 1
  Accessing Sources of Info
  •   Reading
  •   Observing
  •   Listening
  •   Quantifying  
      Mathematical Reasoning  
      Visual Arts  
      Using Electronic Tech.  
        Goal 2
      Nature of Scientific Activity  
  •   Systems and Interactions
  •   Models and Scale  
      Evolutionary Change  
      Mathematical Procedures  

    Space and Dimensionality

      Mathematical Structure  
  •   Democratic Principles  
      Political System  
      Social Systems  
      Cultural Diversity  
      Economic Systems
  •   Geography & Human Activity  
      Historical Perspective  
      Interpersonal Relationships  
      Analysis of Forms  
      Cultural Heritage  
      Cultural Diversity  
      Second Language  
      Family/Life Parenting
  •   Consumerism
  •   Physical Wellness
  •   Mental/Emotional Wellness  
      Community Health Systems
  •   Psychomotor Skills
      Lifetime Physical Activities  
      Career Paths  
      Employability Attributes
  •   Post-Secondary Options  
        Goal 3
      Positive Self-concept  
      Healthy Lifestyle
  •   Adaptability/Flexibility
  •   Resourcefulness/Creativity  
  •   Ethical Values  
      Independent Learning
  •     Goal 4
      Interpersonal Skills
  •   Team Membership
  •   Consistent, Caring Behavior  
      Rights & Responsibilities
  •   Multicultural/World View  
      Open Mind  
        Goal 5
      Critical Thinking
  •   Creative Thinking
  •   Conceptualizing  
      Decision Making
  •   Problem Solving
  •     Goal 6
      Multiple Perspectives
  •   Developing New Knowledge  
      Expanding Knowledge

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    This curriculum guide was supported by Grant Number 1 R01/CCR414307 from NIOSH. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NIOSH. Special thanks to Dr. Ted Scharf.

    Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder. More