Safety-Related Knowledge and Behavior Changes in Participants of Farm Safety Day Camps

Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
  • Reynolds, Stephen, J.;
  • Braune, Jana;
  • Conaway, Michael B.;
  • Drury, Scott;
  • McCallum, Debra M.


Significant resources are devoted to conducting farm safety day camps throughout North America, but the impact and effectiveness of these programs has not been systematically demonstrated. This project assessed changes in safety-related knowledge and behaviors among participants in the Progressive Farmer Farm Safety Day Camp. program. A written pre-test and a three-month telephone post-test were administered to three samples of participants, ages 8 to 13, in camps held in 1999, 2000, and 2001. A sample of 20 to 30 camps was included in each year of the study, with a total sample of 1,780 participants for all three years. The pre-test and post-test contained questions related to first aid and to safety around animals, ATVs, farm equipment, flowing grains, and tractors. Three scores were computed from responses to 20 knowledge and behavior items. A knowledge score indicated the number of 8 knowledge items answered correctly, a behavior risk score indicated the amount of risk exposure for the child based on 8 behavior items, and an ATV safety gear risk score indicated, for those who rode ATVs, the level of risk due to lack of proper safety gear (4 items). From pre-test to post-test, there was an increase in knowledge scores and a decrease in behavior risk scores and ATV safety gear risk scores. These changes were consistent both for males and females, for farm residents and non-farm residents, and across all ages in the sample. These results support claims for the effectiveness of farm safety day camps for increasing knowledge and improving safe practices among camp participants.

Full article can be found in: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
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