Observation Study of Students Who Completed a High School Agricultural Safety Education Program

Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
  • Kidd, Pamela;
  • Reed, Deborah;
  • Westneat, Susan C.


The Agricultural Disability Awareness and Risk Education Project (AgDARE) is a research-based curriculum of agricultural safety instruction based on Prochaska and DiClemente's Transtheroetical Model of Change. The program uses eight reality-based psychomotor and narrative modules to teach safe farm work behaviors. In addition to in-class pencil and paper assessments on safety attitudes and behavior intention, farm visits were made to assess the longer term influence of AgDARE. Visits were made between 11 and 20 months (mean = 14.24 months) after completion of the classroom instruction to 29 students who worked on farms and completed at least one-half of the AgDARE instruction. All but one of the visited students exhibited safe work behaviors addressed by the AgDARE instruction. In addition, 76% of the visited students had made positive changes in their farm work behavior since participating in AgDARE. Changes extended beyond the instruction that students received in class to include other aspects of farm work and other family members. The use of farm visits to evaluate students' safety behaviors was tempered by the challenge of contacting students and obstacles associated with observing work in an environment where little is routine or regular.

Full article can be found in: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
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