Work Hazard Control Efforts by Wisconsin Dairy Farmers

Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
  • Schuler, Ronald T.;
  • Wilkinson, Terry L.;
  • Chapman, Larry;
  • Skjolaas, Cheryl A.


Objective: Better information is needed about how farm operators view agricultural work hazards and prevention efforts. Agricultural work safety efforts of Wisconsin farmers were examined, along with their perceptions of the farm safety problem.

Methods: A survey instrument was designed and administered to an opportunity sample of 401 dairy farmers using a standardized mail survey technique.

Results: Usable questionnaires were obtained from 268 farm operators (67% response rate). Most farm operators did annual self-inspections, wore seatbelts in motor vehicles, and avoided extra riders on tractors. Most wanted to obtain and use inspection checklists and were willing to commit monetary resources to making corrections. However, most dairy farmers had no interest in Extension safety programs and had attended none in the last year. The farmers did want Extension agents to facilitate self-inspection and hazard corrections.

Conclusion: Self-help tools to assist farmers in recognizing, identifying, and controlling hazards are a promising, low intensity intervention for reducing injury and disease. Extension agents are in a strong position to abet farmer self inspections.

Full article can be found in: Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health
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