Sexual Harassment -- Plain and Simple

"Sexual Harassment Plain and Simple" includes two videos that explain in easy-to-understand terms the different kinds of behavior that may be interpreted as sexual harassment and the steps workers can take to prevent and report unwelcome sexual behavior. Video 1: "Dottie Doesn't Work Here Anymore" presents a wide range of sexual harassment incidents that illustrate the different types of harassment recognized under the law such as a hostile work environment, quid pro quo, verbal and non-verbal harassment. (25 min) Video 2: "Wait 'Til Trish Sees This" presents various options available for resolving sexual harassment situations',This module shows how harassment victims can confront or report incidents to a supervisor or human resource person. Different corrective actions outlined in the vignettes serve as a useful deterrent for would-be harassers. (25 min)
50 min on two videos
Request video: HPS-000 (Free preview available) To request a CD-ROM version, state
Purchase -- $995.00 (VHS, English); $1200 (CD-ROM)
All workers and managers