"Rhythm of the Seasons" tells the story of Marilyn Adams, who lost her 11-year-old son in a farm incident in 1986. Viewers are introduced to the son, the circumstances of his death, and the mother's first year of recovery. In this way, the audience learns about the grief and other experiences that accompanied this tragedy, and they also share in the inner world of the mother's healing as she finds a sense of purpose through this sad situation. A lesson plan using this video is also available on NASD.
24 min
Available from the IFAS Extension Bookstore (University of Florida):
-- Request video: VHS: SV-125
-- Phone: 1-800-226-1764
-- Order on-line: http://www.ifasbooks.ufl.edu
Also available in a book/VHS package from Farm Safety 4 Just Kids:
-- Request product: ROTPKG
-- Phone: 1-800-423-KIDS (5437) or 1-515-758-2827
-- E-mail: tammy@fs4jk.org
Purchase -- $20.00 (VHS); $35.00 (VHS video and book)