Helping Four-Legged Friends Survive the Storm

This video shares the insights of veterinarians and others in providing relief to animals affected by disasters. Americans spend $8 billion a year on pampering and showing their love to their pets. However, many pet owners don't have a plan for their animals during a disaster. Wildfire, flood, and hurricane can suddenly make this lack of planning a life-and-death issue for animals. This is an important, emerging area of disaster management, and this video is an excellent starting point for professionals and volunteers alike. A few topics covered are: Coming to the Rescue, Covering all the Bases, Using Microchips for Identification, and Disaster Animal Relief Teams. 18-minute video, plus booklet.
18 min
Contact the University of Florida IFAS Extension Bookstore at 1-800-226-1764 or on the Web at . Request video SV-1207. $45.00, includes 130-page manual. To order extra manuals, request SP-270 ($5.00 each).
animal owners and animal care personnel