- Train supervisors about the employment rules for teens under age 18.
- Train youth on the employment rules both verbally and in writing, and have them sign off when training is completed.
- Post rules on bulletin boards and provide information in Spanish or other languages, if applicable.
- Use “Rated R” stickers on prohibited equipment to remind youth, co-workers and supervisors that minors should not be operating those machines.
- Use color-coded items (apparel, time cards, etc.) to clearly identify youth to help prevent inappropriate task assignment.
- Use a work-hour tracking system to be sure young workers stay under the work-hour limit. Reminders on time cards about limits may be useful.
- Keep separate work schedules for youth. Do not allow trading hours with older workers to minimize the risk of exceeding the work-hour limit.
- Do self-inspections of activities or audits of records to monitor compliance
- Talk with youth occasionally to monitor their activities.
- Discuss activities and schedules with parents.
Safety Training for Employers and Supervisors of Adolescent Farmworkers
Funding provided by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, grant no. 5 U50 0H008107-02

Publication #: U50 OH07544
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