Tips on Regulatory Compliance When Hiring Teens

Multiple pictures of farm practices

  1. Train supervisors about the employment rules for teens under age 18.
  2. Train youth on the employment rules both verbally and in writing, and have them sign off when training is completed.
  3. Post rules on bulletin boards and provide information in Spanish or other languages, if applicable.
  4. Use “Rated R” stickers on prohibited equipment to remind youth, co-workers and supervisors that minors should not be operating those machines.
  5. Use color-coded items (apparel, time cards, etc.) to clearly identify youth to help prevent inappropriate task assignment.
  6. Use a work-hour tracking system to be sure young workers stay under the work-hour limit. Reminders on time cards about limits may be useful.
  7. Keep separate work schedules for youth. Do not allow trading hours with older workers to minimize the risk of exceeding the work-hour limit.
  8. Do self-inspections of activities or audits of records to monitor compliance
  9. Talk with youth occasionally to monitor their activities.
  10. Discuss activities and schedules with parents.

Safety Training for Employers and Supervisors of Adolescent Farmworkers

Funding provided by National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, grant no. 5 U50 0H008107-02

Logo for Naitonal Farm Medicine Center logo for department of labor

logos for Washington Growers League, and the National Council of Agricultural Employers

Publication #: U50 OH07544

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