An Investigation of the Agricultural Education Background for Accident Involved and Non-involved Farm Tractor and Machinery Operators in Minnesota

  • Riesenberg, Louis E.


Statement of the Problem. The study was concerned with answering three basic questions.

  • Was the distribution of work injuries of the 1978 Minnesota Farm Accident Survey significantly different from the distribution of work injuries compiled by the National Safety Council?
  • What was the participation of farm tractor and machinery operators in the ongoing agricultural education programs?
  • Was there a difference in the participation in these ongoing agricultural education programs between accident involved and non- involved operators?

Method of Research. Using the procedures of the Standardized Farm Accident Reporting Program, a stratified random sample of farms grouped in clusters in 19 counties of Minnesota were surveyed four times during 1978 by volunteer interviewers. The survey in each county was coordinated by the county extension staff with the training of the interviewers done by the state staff.

Findings. There was a significant difference in the distribution of work injuries between those of the 1978 Minnesota Accident Survey and the "national norm" as compiled by the National Safety Council in respect to:

  • Age of victim
  • Residency of the victim
  • Type of farm
  • Location on the farm
  • Agent involved
  • Victims activity
  • Type of injury
  • Part of body injured

No significant difference was found in respect to severity of injury. It was found that the majority of farm tractor and machinery operators in Minnesota did not participate in vocational agriculture, the 4-H power program and the Tractor and Machinery Safety Training Program. Amount of experience and vocational agriculture completed were found to be slightly associated with accident involvement.


SOURCE: University of Minnesota; 1980. 142.


This document was extracted from the CDC-NIOSH Epidemiology of Farm Related Injuries: Bibliography With Abstracts, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

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