Play It Safe: Test #1

  1. How many passengers, or extra riders should be allowed on a tractor or riding lawn mower?
  2. What age person is most likely to get seriously injured on a farm?
  3. Where and how should cleaners and chemicals be stored?
  4. What piece of farm machinery is most often involved in accidents and injuries?
  5. What rule should we follow when using tractors, ATV's, or riding lawn mowers?
  6. Why should we wear safety helmets and other protective gear when riding ATV's, bicycles, or snowmobiles?
  7. What is a PTO and why is it dangerous?
  8. What can happen to you over a period of time if you work or play around loud equipment, like chainsaws, wood splitters, lawn mowers, or tractors without protective equipment?
  9. Why should we ask permission before crossing a fence into a field?
  10. Who is responsible for farm and home safety?

This document is produced by the University of Vermont Extension System Farm Safety Program. RR1 Box 2280, Morrisville, Vermont 05661. Phone: (802) 888-4972. Fax: (802) 888-2432.

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