Project SAFE

  • Oskam, Judy

Oklahoma State University, Extension Agricultural Engineering, 214 Agricultural Hall, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078, (405) 744-5425

Safety for America's Farm Environment Child Safety on the Farm

It's better to be safe than sorry! We can't begin to list them all, but here are a few simple safety tips.

  • Know where your kids are at all times!
  • Give children age appropriate tasks. Remember, children are not small adults.
  • Make sure children receive safety training before each activity. Teach kids that the safe way is the only way.
  • Take all children on a tour of the farm or ranch and point out dangerous areas.
  • View your farm from your child's perspective. Get down on their level and look up, down and all around.
  • Take the ignition key out of equipment when not in use and apply the parking brake.
  • NO extra rider. On a tractor, no seat means no rider.
  • Don't let children play on farm equipment. Whether the equipment is idle or running, it can still be dangerous to an unsuspecting operator.
  • Keep machinery in good repair. Install protective shields, rollover protection structures (ROPS) and seat belts.

  • Disengage your tractor power take-off (PTO) when idle or not in use.
  • Safety train your child before he or she rides an all-terrain vehicle. Make sure the size of the ATV fits the child.
  • Get your child into the habit of wearing a helmet, long pants, eye protection, gloves and boots when riding an ATV.
  • Mark all potentially dangerous areas, such as grain bins, wagons and trucks, with decals or brightly colored markers. Children need to learn to recognize danger zones.
  • Properly clothe children who will be playing around the farm. Appropriate footwear (boots or shoes without long laces), jeans, long sleeve shirt and hat are recommended.
  • Keep children away from grain storage facilities.
  • Beware of electrical hazards. Roll up cords and wires and store them neatly.
  • Don't get burned! One serious childhood or adolescent sunburn doubles the chances of developing skin cancer. The sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Fence farm ponds and manure pits. Supervise children in and around water.
  • Inspect your farm for objects which could fall and injure a child. Tractor tires leaning against the barn could prove hazardous.

  • Store pesticides and other chemicals properly.
  • Keep them locked up and away from children. Teach them to recognize CAUTION, DANGER and POISON labels.
  • Teach children the safe way to handle animals. Keep livestock in the appropriate pen or fenced areas.
  • Keep your work area neat and clean.
  • Loud noise often attracts children, but it is very dangerous and can cause hearing loss.

Farming Can Be Dangerous To Your Health!

    Life on the farm may seem peaceful and safe, but in fact the family farm can be very dangerous to your health.

    Agriculture is one of the most hazardous occupations. While trying to participate or lend a helping hand, children often fall victim to agriculture-related accidents and deaths.

    It's estimated that more than 24,000 children are injured each year on farms. Approximately 5,000 are injured seriously and 300 children are killed.

    As adults, there is much we can do to provide a safe environment for our children. This brochure lists some simple things you can do to make your farm or ranch a safer place.

Project SAFE

Safety for America's Farm Environment

Compiled by
Judy Barnes Oskam
Video Coordinator & Asst. Extension Specialist
Oklahoma State University

Technical support provided by
Pat Lewis, M.S.
Extension 4-H and Safety Specialist
Oklahoma State University
H. Willard Downs, Ph.D.
Assist. Dir. of Extension Programs
University of Missouri

Funding provided by
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

Publication #: #1081 0991

Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service does not discriminate because of race. color, national origin. religion. sex. age. or handicap and is an equal opportunity employer. issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work acts of May 8 and June 30. 1914. in cooperation with the U S Department of Agriculture. Charles B Browning, Director of Cooperative Extension Service. Oklahoma State University. Stillwater, Oklahoma This publication i s printed and issued by Oklahoma State University as authorized by the Dean of the Division of Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources and has been prepared and distributed at a cost of $292.82 for 5,000 copies.

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