Unstable Machine: The Nature of a Forklift

This program on forklift operator and pedestrian responsibilities will also serve to help meet the "remedial" requirement as outlined in the revised OSHA Standard. It can be shown to individuals who become involved in accidents or receive a poor forklift operation evaluation. This program may also be used in an annual "refresher" course on forklift operation. It covers the following topics: an overview of common unsafe practices in the use of the forklift (speeding, giving others rides, sharp turns, etc.); value of inspections (vehicle and load); the importance of the use of safety equipment (hard hat, fall protection, etc.); and potential workplace hazards (electrical lines, platform edges, etc.).
10 min
Request video: MFL-103 (Free preview available) Contact: LearnCom Safety Resources Hap Newell, ESH Sales Manager 1-800-217-2338 URL: http://www.learncom.com/safety/index.do
Purchase -- $495.00 (VHS, English or Spanish)
Forklift operators and co-workers