What's Inside?
Training Techniques.
Tractor Safety Training Guide.
Motor Vehicle Safety Training Guide.
Chipper/Shredder Safety Training Guide.
Skid Steer Safety Training Guide.
Tree Trimming Safety Training Guide.
Aerial Lift Safety Training Guide.
Mowing and Trimming Safety Training Guide.
Discuss Accident Reports on pages 4-5 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual.
Discussion Items
As a group, answer the quiz items on page 6 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual. Be sure to discuss each item.
Before beginning Lesson 2:
Discuss the Accident Report on page 7 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Visual Aid
Ask participants to share their most recent experience when working on or near the shoulder. What traffic control devices were used? Were these controls appropriate based on the information in the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual?
Review the charts for Work Sign Spacing on pages 9 and 10 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Problem Solving
Display and discuss the overhead "Work Sign Spacing Near the Shoulder" on page 58 of the Instructor Guide. Work out the problem and write the solution on an overhead, chalkboard or flipchart. (When participants are working near the shoulder of an urban road with a speed limit of 50 mph, how many feet should the first road work sign be from the work area?) ANSWER: 350 feet
Problem Solving
Display and discuss the overhead "Work Sign Spacing With the Shoulder Closed" on page 59 of the Instructor Guide. Work out the problem and write the solution on an overhead, chalkboard or flipchart. (When participants are working on the shoulder of a highway with 10 foot lanes and a posted speed limit of 50 mph, how any feet should the shoulder taper be?) ANSWER: about 167 feet
Hands-on Exercise
In a safe area, such as a private road or parking lot on the company's property, have participants set up a roadside work area using traffic cones and flaggers, as appropriate. Ensure all participants wear brightly-colored reflective vests and any other safety equipment that the organization requires for this type of work.
Answer the quiz items in the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual individually or as a class. Be sure to discuss each item.
Suggested Objectives
Ask a volunteer to read and discuss the Accident Report on page 12 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Discussion Items
Visual Aid
Display and discuss the overhead "Safety Belts Save Lives" provided on pages 60 of the Instructor Guide. Ask participants to discuss and answer the fill-in the blank items. ANSWER KEY: half, hips, neck, face
Instruct participants to look at the safe starting and shut-down in the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual. Ask them to write a (+) sign next to the procedure if they usually do it and a (-) sign if they seldom do it. Discuss the procedures that are hardest to do.
Visual Aid
Display and discuss overheads of "How To Park On Hills" provided on pages 61-63 of this manual. Ask participants
to write the numbers 1-3 in the column on the right side of page 13 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual. For each item,
display the overhead and ask participants to write "a" or "b" to identify the correct wheel position. Participants can
check their answers with the answer key provided on page 64 of the Instructor Guide. Be sure to discuss each item.
Visual Aid
Display and discuss overhead "What's Wrong With This Picture?" provided on page 65 of the Instructor Guide. Ask participants to identify and discuss all safety problems in the overhead. Check participants answers with the answer key provided on page 66 of the Instructor Guide.
Answer the quiz items in the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual individually or as a class. Be sure to discuss each item.
Hands-on Exercise
As a group or individually, inspect a motor vehicle using a checklist such as this.
Discuss Accident Reports on pages 16 -17 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Ask participants to look at the protect yourself tips on page 17 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual. Can participants recall a close call or accident they witnessed that relates to one of these tips?
Discuss the Traffic Signs on page 18 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Divide the class into groups. Display the contest items provided on pages 67-68 of the instructor guide. In turn, ask each group a multiple choice or true/false question from the overheads. Each group gets one point for every correct answer. If a group misses a question, allow the next group to answer it for a point. Keep track of points and recognize the winning group. Use the questions as opportunities to discuss the training material. Answer key provided on page 69 of the Instructor Guide.
Discussion Items
Discuss the Traffic Signs on page 18 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Divide the class into groups. Display the contest items provided on pages 67-68 of the instructor guide. In turn, ask each group a multiple choice or true/false question from the overheads. Each group gets one point for every correct answer. If a group misses a question, allow the next group to answer it for a point. Keep track of points and recognize the winning group. Use the questions as opportunities to discuss the training material. Answer key provided on page 69 of the Instructor Guide.
Discussion Items
Discuss pavement markings on page 20 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Case Studies
Break the class into small groups of 3-5 participants. Provide each group with one of the scenarios from pg 72-74 of the Instructor Guide. Ask each group to answer the question in their scenario, using the information in Lesson 4 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual. If there are more than three groups, have more than one group work on the same scenario. Monitor the progress of the groups. Bring the class back together and ask for a representative from each group to read their problem and explain their solution. Ask other groups what they think of the proposed solution.
Visual Aid
Display a Slow Moving Vehicle Emblem (SMV). Ask participants to list actual situations when an SMV is needed on their jobs. List ideas on an overhead or flipchart.
Answer the quiz questions on page 21 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual individually or as a class. Be sure to discuss each item.
Discuss Accident Reports on page 22 -23 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Ask participants: How much longer does it take to stop a heavy truck than it does a passenger vehicle traveling at the same speed?
Discussion Items
Discuss Accident Reports on page 24 -25 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Have each participant circle the items they always follow from the safe dumping checklist on page 25 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual. As a group, discuss the items that are hardest to do.
Answer the quiz questions on page 26 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual individually or as a class. Be sure to discuss each item.
Hands-on Exercise
In a safe area with adequate supervision, have each participant complete a hands-on exercise with a dump truck by following the safe dumping checklist on page 25 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual.
Before beginning Lesson 6:
Discuss the Accident Report on page 27 of Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Have participants think about the last time they hitched/unhitched a trailer. Using the information under safe hitching and unhitching in Lesson 6 have participants circle the items they followed. As a group discuss any items that were neglected. Ask participants why some items are more difficult to follow and why following them is important.
Visual Aid
Discuss the Accident Report on page 29 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual
Case Studies
Break the class into small groups of three to five participants. Provide each group with one of the scenarios from pages 75-77 of this manual. Ask each group to answer the question in their scenario, using the information in Lesson 6. If there are more than three groups, have more than one group work on the same scenario. Monitor the progress of the groups. Bring the class back together and ask for a representative from each group to read their problem and explain their solution. Ask other groups what they think of the proposed solution.
Hands-on Exercise
In a safe area with adequate supervision, have participants safely hitch, unhitch, load and unload trailers.
Answer the quiz questions on page 31 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual individually or as a class. Be sure to discuss each item.
Case Studies
Break the class into small groups of three to five participants. Provide each group with one of the scenarios from pages 78-80 of this manual. Ask each group to answer the question in their scenario, using the information in Lesson 7. If there are more than three groups, have more than one group work on the same scenario. Monitor the progress of the groups. Bring the class back together and ask for a representative from each group to read their problem and explain their solution. Ask other groups what they think of the proposed solution.
Discussion Items
Hands-on Exercise
Using your company's first aid kits, demonstrate and have participants practice first aid for cuts, burns, heat exhaustion, cold injury and lightning strike.
Answer the quiz questions on page 38 of the Motor Vehicle Safety Manual individually or as a class. Be sure to discuss each item.
Divide the class into groups. Display the contest items provided on pages 81-86 of the Instructor Guide. In turn, ask each group a multiple choice or true/false question from the overheads. Each group gets one point for every correct answer. If a group misses a question, allow the next group to answer it for a point. Keep track of points and recognize the winning group. Use the questions as opportunities to discuss the training material. Answer key provided on page 87 of the Instructor Guide.
Ask participants to share any questions or concerns they may still have or want to discuss further.
Answer the quiz questions on page 40 individually or as a group. Be sure to discuss each item.
Hands-on Performance Evaluation
In a safe area with adequate supervision, have each participant complete a hands-on performance evaluation while operating a motor vehicle (including a trailer, if appropriate). The evaluation may include completing:
A checklist for the performance evaluation is provided on page 71 of the Instructor Guide.
Work Sign Spacing Near the Shoulder (Urban Road - speed limit 50 mph) ![]() |
Work Sign Spacing with the Shoulder Closed (Urban Road - speed limit 50 mph - 10 ft lanes) ![]() |
Safety Belts Save Lives
Wearing your safety belt cuts your risk of being killed in a vehicle accident by______
To provide protection, the lap portion of the safety belt must be worn low and snug across the _____ , and the shoulder portion must be snug across the chest, away from the ______ and _____. Adjust your seat to ensure your safety belt is worn properly.
Facing UPHILL with Curb | |
A)![]() |
B)![]() |
Facing DOWNHILL with or without a Curb | |
A)![]() |
B)![]() |
Facing UPHILL without a Curb | |
A)![]() |
B)![]() |
Answer Key |
Facing UPHILL with Curb![]() |
Facing DOWNHILL with or without a Curb ![]() |
Facing UPHILL Without a Curb![]() |
Visual Aid
(Roll over image with mouse to see answers.)
Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 4 Contest
Answer Key
Case Study #1 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 4)
You are driving an older pickup on a busy highway during rush hour in a very heavy rain storm. What issues should you consider and what precautions should you take?
Case Study #2 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 4)
You are getting ready to leave for a job site early on a snowy winter morning. The job site is over 50 miles away in a remote, hilly area. What are some issues to consider and what precautions should you take?
Case Study #3 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 4)
You are driving a truck pulling an empty trailer. The road is snow packed and the wind has picked up. What are some issues to consider and what precautions should you take?
Case Study #1 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 6)
You have to load gravel on
a trailer that is parked on a
hill. You are using a front
end loader. What issues
should you consider, and
what precautions should
you take before unloading?
Case Study #2 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 6)
You need to load a farm tractor on a flat-bed trailer attached to your truck. What safety issues should you consider?
Case Study #3 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 6)
You will be driving a truck towing a trailer. There is a large farm tractor on the trailer. The tractor's wheels extend beyond the sides of the trailer, making it an over-sized load. You will be traveling on a busy highway after dark. What issues should you consider, and what precautions should you take?
Case Study #1 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 7)
You are in charge of a work crew using dump trucks to haul branches and debris from a tree-trimming project. It is hot and humid. The trucks don't have air conditioning. In the middle of the afternoon, one of the drivers complains of a headache and upset stomach. His face is pale. His skin is moist and clammy. How do you respond? What could have been done to prevent this?
Case Study #2 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 7)
You are in charge of a work crew using trucks to haul sod for a project on the right of way of a busy highway. It is hot and humid. One of your workers has been directing traffic most of the day. You notice he seems agitated and is shouting at passing motorists. When you talk to him he seems very confused. He is not sweating, but his skin is hot and red. How do you respond?
Case Study #3 (Motor Vehicle Safety Lesson 7)
You are using a dump truck to haul trees and branches being cleared from a residential area after a storm. You have an empty truck, and are ready to pick up a new load. The sky is dark and stormy. It begins to rain, and lightning flashes around you. The wind is blowing very hard. You are in the cab of truck. The work crew is outdoors. They have a skid steer loader and a pickup. How do you respond?
Motor Vehicle Safety Conclusion Contest
Answer Key
Forms (PDF)
Daily Pre-Operation Inspection: Motor Vehicle
Evaluation/Performance Checklist: Motor Vehicle
Publication #: MF2716
This material was produced under grant number 46G3-HT04 from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor. It does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.
This booklet was produced by K-State Research and Extension, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas.
The information in this publication has been compiled from a variety of sources believed to be reliable and to represent the best current opinion on the subject. However, neither K-State Research and Extension nor its authors guarantee accuracy or completeness of any information contained in this publication, and neither K-State Research and Extension or its authors shall be responsible for any errors, omissions, or damages arising out of the use of this information. Additional safety measures may be required under particular circumstances.
Brand names appearing in this publication are for product identification purposes only. No endorsement is intended, nor is criticism implied of similar products not mentioned.
Disclaimer and Reproduction Information: Information in NASD does not represent NIOSH policy. Information included in NASD appears by permission of the author and/or copyright holder. More